Photo by gratefulsue
Inner Beauty
Battered, broken
A half-shell of her former self.
Her inner beauty openly displayed
To the envy of all the “whole shells.”
Kind of like some people I know.
And, that’s why I picked her up
Off the beach that day—
© 2020 gratefulsue
back to Beautiful and Difficult
October 16, 2021
It’s easy to value what’s visible without knowing or noticing what’s inside. Which of these do you value? A bag of chocolate that’s five years past the expiration date? A beautiful dog who’s dangerous? A handsome person who’s insensitive? Or, a broken person with a heart of gold? When it comes to people, there’s nothing wrong with looking beautiful on the outside. But, it’s the inside that really matters. Sometimes, the people with the greatest difficulties in life are the ones with the most insight and compassion. To have been broken, and yet still willing to share your inner wisdom and beauty with others… now that’s something.